Giving breath to research, with a load of hope. Sheding a light on cystic fibrosis.


Giving breath to research, with a load of hope.
Sheding a light on cystic fibrosis.

With December comes along the time to take stock, but also to return the good we received in the true sense of Christmas, giving hope to those less fortunate.
Elettronica Scalvina has decided to put under the tree the research, an element of fundamental importance to defeat this terrible disease, that can eventually find its end with the right commitment from all of us.
This Christmas we wanted to support the Task Force project of Fondazione Ricerca Fibrosi Cistica Onlus in the fight against this genetic disease, one among the most widespread and serious in the world.
The goal is only one: to give the possibility of healing someone who is less fortunate than us, in the awareness that doing good is good.
We have chosen to shed a light on this disease in the spirit of solidarity and charity typical of this special time of the year. If you want to support the research too, click here.
Thank you from all of us, and merry Christmas!

donazione per la ricerca sulla fibrosi cistica elettronica scalvina


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